Friday, June 14, 2013

Dance Haul

I needed to pick up some stuff so I can start dancing again so I went to the mall and decided just to get some stuff that will last me for a couple of months. Doing this really inspired me to get back into dance and is making me so excited as I look at everything. It's like it is finally real and I can begin ballet again.

Ballet Shoes | So Dance
These are the only ones that fit! (enter sad face here) The dance store I went to didn't have much stock so I had to get these ones. They are pretty tight too which is kind of bad but I had to get them for now and order another pair later. I never had a ballet slipper like this so I am curious to try it out. It is actually a size 9 and I am a size 11 but they stretch and fit my foot. The only problem I might have is the elastic is kind of tight so I might have to replace those soon.

Tights | Danskin & Body Wrappers
I cannot find my tights anywhere so I decided to just pick up more. I mean you can't have too many tights because you are always in them and you are strecthing them out all the time. I got a brown one and 2 pinks because I miss wearing the browns ones when I did tap and I am trying to do some tap in my spare time so these will be perfect. I always used Danskin since I started dance so you can say I got used to the color and fit of these pink ones. Mine never ripped or got runs but they did get loser which is normal but if I could find my old pairs in the million of boxes I have they would still probably be good.

Leg Warmers | Capezio
I never had legwarmers because I didnt have a need for them and another reason was because my mom hated them and wouldn't let me get them but now that I am older and paid for it with my own money then she can't stop me. I love the pink and they are nice and thick which I wanted. I really want to pick up ones that have the hole for the pointe shoes next.

Hair Donut | Claire's
I didnt mean to get one but I did and I am glad I did because it works around the house too. I have long curly and hard to manage hair so I can never make a perfect bun and when I was little my mom would make such an ugly bun on me that it just looked weird. With this hair donut I have kind of got a perfect bun but I still need to practice.

Bobby Pins | Dollar Store
A must to keep that perfect ballet bun in place. If I lived with my boyfriend, I know he would hate seeing them around the apartment and plus there is 200 pieces so that is alot and I bet I could lose all of them in less than a week.I hope I can keep an eye out on these because it would be a pain to buy more.

That is what I bought. I didn't get a leotard cause I had one but I might get a spare later on since I have only 1 good one and another one that is too fancy for class. I hope you enjoy my recent dance goodies. I really wanted splurge since I started again and it makes me feel good.

Also tomorrow is the day! I have counted down and finally the day of my first ballet class has come. I hope I can sleep tonight but I have a feeling I might not get much. I am just so anxious and nervous and just so many emotions are running through my mind. I will definietely tell you tomorrow about what happens


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