Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thoughts on Starting Dance Again

How do I feel about starting ballet again after 5 years?

I feel so very excited but at the same time I'm nervous. I know it is normal to feel this way but I can't help myself sometimes. I have questions in my mind asking me if I'm ready? Do I remember this stuff? Will anyone laugh at me because I am so bad? Am I too advance for a beginner class and will they think I am better than them? I hate not knowing the answers to my questions. I am so ready for this to happen and I want to start again really badly.

I have a few days before I start class and everyday for 30 minutes I try to remember what I learned from the past and do it in my bedroom. I don't know why I am so nervous and anxious because when I do the steps it comes to me naturally. I might be a little rusty but I remember the step and I feel so happy. My dad has been telling me practice makes perfect so I try and dedicate a few minutes out of my day to practice before I start class again. I have also been stretching when ever I get a chance so I hope I am still a little flexible from before.

This was just a post to let me calm myself. I really hate that I'm nervous when I shouldn't be. It is good to just vent and say what you are feeling. Whenever I talk to my family they seem to be tired of me talking about dancing 24/7 so I'm glad I started this blog so I can talk without people complaining that I do keep on blabbing about dance. I just hope everything goes okay and that I do a good job.

How was your experience when you started dance for the first time or are just getting back into things like me?  I'd really love to know and if you got any advice I can use or share I would love to hear it.




  1. Hi Jackie!

    thanks for leaving your blog address with your comment on mine, I love to hear about other adults returning to dance!

    I give you a whole lot of credit for starting dance again, your dance history is very similar to mine!

    I do have some advice for you... just dive into the whole experience and throw your entire being into every move. I remembered the steps too, but I had forgotten how physically strenuous ballet really was! I was so sore for the first few weeks, but don't let that discourage you! I was placed in the beginner class but I was too advanced for it, so I went into the intermediate/advanced class instead.

    I think you should toss your anxieties out the window, being a former dancer means you will catch up quickly to the other students. its a weird and scary thing, but keep your mind open. when someone else gets a critique or correction, consider it and apply it to yourself. It will be hard, but you sound so passionate about dance, you will be just fine, I promise! everyone does at least one stupid thing every class.

    Best of luck, I cant wait to read about your first class!

    Happy dancing,

    remedial ballerina

  2. Thank you for your sweet comment, it really made my day and I am so taking your advice. I am scared but as you said I should dive in. I hope to try and do my best!


Thanks for commenting! You make my heart do pirouettes!