Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Goals I'd Like to Accomplish in Dance!

What do I want to accomplish in dance this year? I just wanted to procrastinate from an essay I am supposed to do and just write a blog post instead. I have been thinking about this and from my last dance diary I really need to make a few small goals I could accomplish to lift my spirits.

I listed some goals in my head that I wanted to achieve this dance year while waiting for my ballet class to start. It got me thinking and I think it would be good if I set up a few goals that can help me reach my dream of being a pointe dancer.  My dance year is from June to March so I technically just started.

Besides going en pointe I have some other things I want to do. I know I might have to wait a little longer to go en pointe so this is what I want to focus on so I can get there faster.

1. Do a pirouette perfectly again!
 I used to do them perfectly and I still can a little but I lost my balance and flexibility. I wish I could try and see if I could find my perfect pirouette again. 

2. Chroegraph a Tap routine.
I am far from being a perfect ballerina and I knew that way back then. My forte was tap and I was a little better at it than ballet. I just want to chreograph a whole tap number and be proud of it. I kind of want to teach at the dance company I work with and I need to get my tap routines going. 

3.Practice my technique.
I have a lot of work to do so I should get to practicing. 

4. Form a better arch.
I was told I had "Flinstone Feet" and then I was told I had good arches. I just want to improve my arch and mold it so I could have better feet. I know it will make me feel better if I had dancer feet but I can only try and to improve the ones I already have.

5. Just be a better dancer all around!
I just want to work on being a good dancer. I might not get to prima ballerina but I want to reach ballerina according to my definition of it. I just want to see myself progress and mold into something I would have never dreamed of and especially more graceful.

Do you have any dance goals you really want to achieve? I know I want to focus on these and then add more and see how far I get. I really wish I could do dance permanently again but for now I have to finish school and then have the possibilities be endless.



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Thanks for commenting! You make my heart do pirouettes!