Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dance Diary | 2nd Midweek Ballet Class

Surprise a 2nd midweek dance diary! My classes got canceled because of a massive power outage on campus leaving us no choice to cancel. So with that good news I decided to go to the 7pm ballet class. I can't go on Wednesdays or Fridays because my class usually ends at 6 and the studio I go to is an hour away from campus and 2 hours away from where I live so when I get a chance to go to a ballet class I jump for it!

I went to class in the morning and nearly died from the heat and when they canceled I rushed home to rest and get dressed. I left the house at quarter to 2 and then got there before 4. And since I had so many hours left I went up to the Cutural Center's library to do some reserch about my thesis topic. there were so many books their about the arts and I struck gold because I found a book that was exactly what I was looing for and was so happy. I stayed there until 5 and then headed towards the basement to the studios.

In my 2 hour waiting I read the book I am currently reading which was Becca Fitzatrick's Finale. I didnt fisnish it because I decided to do some strecthing. The hallways on a weekday are quieter and no kids running around and thelights were semi-off so it was dark and a little scary I do admit I was a little scared.

Now for the class, I didn't have the same classmates as I did on Saturdays but I did see only 1 familar face and we got to share a barre together. The rest of the girls were maybe a little younger and then there were some that were much older which i guess was a relief. I did feel a little nervous and shy but as soon as the cass started it melted away.

The teacher was not my regular teacher nor was it the teacher I had last tie I took class on Wednesday so I felt a little intimidated because it was another company member and if you remember the last time the company member was the teacher it was far to fast and not like I was used to. But good news, I loved her and class! It was amazing and I cannot describe how fun and how much I enjoyed the class1

So we did barre excersises and they werent those simple ones we do on Saturday lasses. This company member did some new steps and made it a little difficult but I loved the challenge and pushing myeself in my regular cass it's like the teacher treats us like we are new and do the same step that is like it is for kids. This class was just so rejuvanating and made me do things I didnt do before.

We did the standard plies and tendus but we did extras with it and we even did some arabesque excersises and she lifted my leg higher than ever and straightened my upper body and for a split second when i looked in the mirror I saw myself do an arbasque nd it looked lovely. That was my first time doing it and it ade me feel lovely. we did splits and I still can't get it but I almost do. We did some piques and more balancing and I am still practicing my balance and I cracked both my ankles good so I am giving them a rest but they didn't hurt that much after.

After barre we did center and this was one of my favorite parts in class. We did some pirouette exercises and the lead up to the actually turning and then we actually did pirouettes. And guess what, I did one flawlessly and spotted and everything. It was perfect but after that I couldn't get one anymore but i was so happy. I need to work on it but I am getting there and I can see so much improvement in my dancing then when I first started so yay for progress! We did more center work and I was doing the leaps freely and at first I was embrassed like I said but now I just go with it and smile and have fun.

Now during across the room was by far my favorite part of the class. I know I love it in the first place but we dd staeps I used to love during which made it more special. We started off ith glissade and jetes and did a round of those. The next was tenleves. i love those so much and I really gave my effort to perfect those and relly getting up and jumping high and perfecting the arms nd head. I do this move at my house and use it to transport myelf in the halls. Instead of skipping you can see me doing this step through long hllways or across my room. I love this step so much so doing it in class really made it for me. And then we did turns, first pique and then regular ones across the first corner. When she demonstarted it she made it look so effortless and so flawless. I had them before but doing them again was kind of new so I stumbled my balance but I got a good set in. So I know next time what to practice and try to get better at. For the warm down we did some middle spits and side strecthes and I am afr from laying on the floor to be flat. It was a great session and I wish I could do that class again every day.

So I know this is long and I'm sorry for ballbing on but clss just made me so happy today I had to share every detail about it. I know I shouldnt compare but she was an amzing teacher because she did steps that were the level we were at and she didnt forget to correct the students. If I see her in the hall I will defiently thank her and would tell her she defiently deserves that spot in the company because she diefinetly made my day and even if i got home left and feeling so tired I am still grateful of doing it.

I hope to see you on Saturday's dance diary! No other posts are going up this wee but I can try if I have time.

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